Secure Screen > Design, Gadgets > Stats Elements You can use the shortcodes from the visual builder. Fast and easy: Development 90%Design 80%Marketing 70% Testimonials? Why not! [woothemes_testimonials limit=”1″ per_row=”1″ orderby=”menu_order” order=”DESC” display_author=”true” display_avatar=”true” display_url=”true” id=”0″ category=”0″] Design, Gadgets Date 14 January 2013Software PhotoshopInfo I gathered some stats elements that I made for various projects so far and I want to share them with other Fireworks users. If you use Photoshop maybe it's time to switch :)Authors David CristianVisit Site25 Similar Works iMac + MacBookRetina11 Brand New Wallet!Dribbble29 Free Iphone 5Template PSD25 iPad + Mini ShowcaseTemplate6 Leave a reply Cancel reply Message*required*Name* Email* Website